Perforce: A Love Letter to the Version Control of My Nightmares

3 min readJun 6, 2024

Get ready for another rant of mine. This time, the victim is Perforce.

Ah, Perforce! Where do I even begin to express my boundless gratitude for the endless joys you’ve brought into my life as a software engineer? Your unique ability to turn the mundane task of version control into a thrilling rollercoaster ride of unpredictability is truly remarkable. Honestly, who doesn’t love a good adrenaline rush in the middle of a critical deployment?

The Interface That Time Forgot

First off, let’s talk about your user interface. In an era where minimalism and user-friendliness are all the rage, you bravely swim against the current with a UI that could best be described as… retro? Nostalgic? A delightful throwback to the 90s, perhaps? It’s like attending a costume party where the theme is ‘vintage software’. How fun and absolutely not frustrating at all!

Navigating your menus is akin to a treasure hunt, except the map is cryptic, the clues are written in an ancient dialect, and the treasure is often just the relief of not having crashed the system. Each click through your labyrinthine interface provides a thrilling game of Russian roulette. Will it crash? Will it freeze? The suspense is palpable!

A Lesson in Patience and Zen

And the speed — oh, the speed! In today’s fast-paced world, you teach us the virtue of patience. While some might say waiting for files to check in or out feels akin to watching paint dry, I see it as an opportunity to meditate, reflect on my life choices, or perhaps even learn a new hobby. Knitting, anyone?

Every operation with Perforce is an exercise in stoicism. Submitting a change list? Go make yourself a cup of coffee… or maybe a three-course meal. By the time you’re back, you might just be in luck to see that operation complete. Or not. It’s always a surprise!

Collaboration? More Like a Gladiator Arena

Collaboration is another area where you shine so brightly. In a world pushing for more collaboration and interaction, you encourage us to really consider if we need to work together. Your locking system — where files can be held hostage by the earliest bird in the office — fosters a delightful mix of competition and resentment among team members. Team building exercises are overrated anyway, right?

Nothing says “teamwork” quite like the scramble to unlock files that a colleague forgot to release before going on vacation. It’s like a team-building escape room, but the stakes are real, and the tension palpable.

Merging: a Descent into Madness

And how could I forget the merge conflicts? Ah, the sheer poetry of deciphering file differences that could rival the complexity of a Shakespearean drama. It’s not just a task — it’s an adventure. A quest. A battle of wits. Who needs straightforward merging tools when you can have a good, old-fashioned intellectual challenge?

Every merge conflict in Perforce is a test of your detective skills, your patience, and occasionally, your command of profanity. The process is so involved, it could very well be its own niche hobby. Think of it as model ship building, but less relaxing and more conducive to bouts of desk-thumping.

Documentation or Mythical Scrolls?

Let us not skip over the joy that is your documentation. Perusing Perforce documentation is like diving into a classic novel; you’re never quite sure where the plot is going, characters (commands) come and go without much introduction, and you’re left with a profound sense of having embarked on a journey of mythical proportions — minus the satisfaction of a clear conclusion.

A Lifestyle Choice

Thank you, Perforce, for the countless lessons in patience, frugality, and inner peace. You are not just a version control system; you are a lifestyle. A tough, perplexing, why-is-this-happening-to-me kind of lifestyle, but a lifestyle nonetheless. Here’s to many more years of barely restrained frustration and nostalgia for simpler times. Oh, the stories we’ll tell our grandchildren about the epic battles fought in the trenches of version control!




Software developer, former civil engineer. Musician. Free thinker. Writer.