Implementing a Basic ISO-8583 Parser in Go

4 min readJun 11, 2024

In the area of financial transactions, especially those involving ATMs and Point Of Sale (POS) systems, the ISO-8583 standard is crucial. It defines a messaging protocol that financial institutions use for transmitting transaction data. Having a reliable and efficient parser can significantly improve processing speed and accuracy. In this article, I share my experience of developing a basic ISO-8583 parser and generator in Go, the challenges I faced, and how the Go programming language supported this complex task.

Introduction to ISO-8583

Before we get into the implementation details, let’s briefly discuss what ISO-8583 is. ISO-8583 is an international standard for financial transaction card originated interchange messaging. It specifies the format for data exchange between credit card terminals and financial institutions. An ISO-8583 message is structured in a systematic way to ensure consistency across various systems and institutions. The structure of an ISO-8583 message typically includes the following components:

  1. Header: This optional section may include routing information, message length, and other data required by the network to deliver the message to the correct destination.
  2. Message Type Indicator (MTI): This is a critical component that defines the overall intent of the message. It determines the specific type of transaction being requested or provided, such as a request for authorization, a financial transaction, or a reversal.
  3. Primary Bitmap: This is a binary or hexadecimal representation that indicates which of the subsequent data elements are present in the message. Each bit corresponds to a particular data element; if the bit is set, the corresponding data element is present.
  4. Secondary Bitmap: Similar to the primary bitmap, this is also a binary or hexadecimal field that denotes the presence of additional data elements, typically those numbered 65 to 128. The presence of a secondary bitmap is indicated by the first bit of the primary bitmap.
  5. Data Elements: These are individual fields that carry the transaction information, such as cardholder details, amounts, dates, and other specific data required to process the transaction. Each data element has a predefined format and length.

The standard ensures that messages are consistent and clear across different systems and financial networks, allowing for efficient and accurate transaction processing.

Why Go?

Go, also known as Golang, is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and strong support for concurrency. These features make it an excellent choice for processing high-volume, real-time financial transactions. Go’s ability to handle multiple tasks at once, without the overhead common to other languages, can significantly enhance the performance of financial applications.

Getting Started

To begin parsing and generating ISO-8583 messages in Go, we will use a specific GitHub repository I developed for this purposes, with basic functionalities:


Ensure you have Go installed on your system. You can download it from the official Go website. Once installed, you can verify it by running go version in your terminal.

Installing the go-iso8583 Package

To install the go-iso8583 package, run the following command in your terminal:

go get

This command will download and install the go-iso8583 package, making it available for your Go projects.

Parsing an ISO-8583 Message

To parse an ISO-8583 message, you first need to define the structure of the message according to the specific version of the ISO-8583 standard you’re working with. The go-iso8583 library allows you to define this structure in Go, making it straightforward to map the different fields of an ISO-8583 message to Go structures.

Here is a basic example of how to parse an ISO-8583 message using the go-iso8583 library:

package main

import (
iso8583 ""

func main() {
messageStr := "08002038000000200002810000000001084909052253415630305A303537363331202020205341564E47583130303131303032303030302020202020200011010008B9F3F723CA3CD2F8"

// Parse the message
parsedMessage, err := iso8583.ParseMessage(messageStr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse message: %v", err)

fmt.Printf("Parsed Message:\nMTI: %s\n", parsedMessage.MTI)
for i, present := range parsedMessage.Bitmap {
if present {
fmt.Printf("Field %d: %s\n", i+1, parsedMessage.Fields[i+1])

Generating an ISO-8583 Message

Generating an ISO-8583 message follows a similar pattern. You would define a message structure, populate it with your transaction data, and then use a library function to generate the message string according to the ISO-8583 standard.

package main

import (
iso8583 ""

func main() {
responseMsg := iso8583.Message{
MTI: "0210",
Fields: map[int]string{
39: "00", // Response code field (39) set to "00" indicating approval
responseMsgStr := iso8583.GenerateMessage(&responseMsg)

In this example, GenerateMessage() is a method that compiles the message structure into an ISO-8583 message string. The output for this example would be a string representation of the ISO-8583 message indicating an approved response.


Developing the go-iso8583 library was an experience marked by challenges but also significant learning and achievement. The experience highlighted Go’s strengths in handling complex, high-performance applications and underscored the importance of clarity and simplicity in software design. As the project continues to evolve, I look forward to further enhancing its features and usability, driven by community feedback.




Software developer, former civil engineer. Musician. Free thinker. Writer.